How can menstrual cramps be relieved?

How can menstrual cramps be relieved?

How can menstrual cramps be relieved?

Menstruation or period is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's menstrual cycle. Every month the body prepares for a possible pregnancy, so during menstruation and its previous days, the body is dominated by the hormone progesterone, the hormone in charge of preparing the endometrium of the uterus.In addition to bleeding, you can feel abdominal and pelvic pain or cramps, lower back pain, swelling and pain in the breasts, headache, and tiredness...

Here are some tips on how to relieve your menstrual cramps:


Food can help us greatly to relieve menstrual pain. Women who eat high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 have been shown to have less painful periods. It is also important to consume foods rich in iron since blood loss during menstruation tends to decrease energy and increase fatigue.

*Increase consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

Due to their anti-inflammatory power, they help reduce uterine cramps. Foods rich in omega 3 are various fish (sardines, salmon, trout, tuna...) and seeds (flax...). It is also present in shellfish and vegetable sources (soybean and canola oil, nuts…).

*Increase consumption of foods rich in vitamin B12

It is only found in animal products such as eggs, milk, cheese, meat, fish, and poultry.

*Increase consumption of iron-rich foods

The best sources of iron that are easily absorbed by the body are red meat, poultry, and fish. However, there are also other sources such as legumes or green leafy vegetables.


Evening primrose oil is the most representative supplement since it regulates menstrual cycles and stimulates the production of anti-inflammatory hormones to combat pain, swelling, and mastodynia.


There are infusions with anti-inflammatory properties that can significantly relieve menstrual pain. The infusions of lemon balm, cinnamon, and chamomile stand out. Heat The heat relieves pain, so we will apply it to the belly and lower back (electric mat).


Giving gentle circular massages on the belly is also a good remedy. To perform them, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of essential oils (for example, marjoram or ginger with almond oil).

2023-03-07 10:56:00 445 viewed

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